Source code for fakturownia.settings

# coding=utf-8
Utilities for settings loading

Since envparse modifies os.environ on while loading .env files we need and
alternate solution that wont't touch os.environ by default.

import logging
import re
import shlex

import six

if six.PY3:  # pragma: no cover
    from pathlib import Path
    from pathlib2 import Path  # pragma: no cover

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def parse_env(content): # pragma: no cover # content = six.u(content) # This comes from evnparse.Env.read_envfile. Kudos! for line in content.splitlines(): if line.startswith("#"): continue tokens = list(shlex.shlex(line, posix=True)) # parses the assignment statement if len(tokens) < 3: continue name, op = tokens[:2] value = ''.join(tokens[2:]) if op != '=': # noqa continue if not re.match(r'[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*', name): # noqa continue value = value.replace(r'\n', '\n').replace(r'\t', '\t') yield name, value
[docs]def get_env_from_file(path): if not isinstance(path, Path): # pragma: no cover path = Path(str(path)) return dict(parse_env(path.read_text()))
[docs]def get_key_from_file(env_file=None): """This is a utility to ease testing with secrets.env file present or not""" env_file = env_file or get_default_env_file() if not env_file.exists(): return None return get_env_from_file(env_file).get('FAKTUROWNIA_API_TOKEN', None)
[docs]def get_default_env_file(): """Returns secrets.env from project root, should not be used outside testing""" return Path(__file__).parents[2] / 'secrets.env'